Konsultan Pajak, Jasa Pajak, Jasa Akuntansi, Penasihat Pajak, Akuntan Pajak, Spesialis Pajak, Persiapan Pajak, Perencanaan Pajak, Agen Pajak, Jasa Akuntansi, Kantor Akuntan, Pajak Jakarta, Pajak Indonesia, Pajak Indonesia, Pajak Perusahaan, Kalkulator Pajak, Pajak Bisnis , Pajak untuk Ekspatriat, perpajakan di indonesia, akuntan, pajak perusahaan indonesia, Berita Tax-Indo, Berita,

Pajak Jakarta, Konsultan Pajak Indonesia, Konsultan Pajak di Indonesia, Konsultan Pajak Jakarta, Konsultan Pajak di Jakarta, Jasa Pajak Indonesia, Jasa Pajak di Indonesia, Jasa Pajak Jakarta, Jasa Pajak di Jakarta, Penasihat Pajak, Indonesia, Penasihat Pajak di Indonesia, Penasihat Pajak Jakarta, Penasihat Pajak di Jakarta, Persiapan Pajak Indonesia, Persiapan Pajak di Indonesia, Persiapan Pajak di Jakarta, Persiapan Pajak di, Jakarta,

Pajak Indonesia, Spesialis Pajak Indonesia, Spesialis Pajak di Indonesia, Spesialis Pajak Jakarta, Spesialis Pajak di Jakarta, Agen Pajak Indonesia, Agen Pajak Jakarta, Akuntan Pajak Indonesia, Akuntan Pajak di Indonesia, Akuntan Pajak Jakarta, Akuntan Pajak di Jakarta, Layanan Pajak Jakarta , Layanan Pajak Jakarta, Layanan Pajak Indonesia, Layanan Pajak Indonesia,

Berita Tax-Indo

Membantu Anda Tetap Menerima Informasi

Major Changes in Indonesia’s Visa Regulations Effective from December 31, 2023 Indonesia gears up for a significant overhaul in its visa regulations, set to take effect from December 31, 2024, reflecting the nation’s commitment to accommodating expatriates’ evolving needs. The latest adjustments, outlined in Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 22 Tahun 2023, […]

The Indonesian government recently introduced amendments to the Investor KITAS regulations (PERMENKUMHAM no. 22 Year 2023 about Stay Permit/ Visa to Indonesia) aimed at refining foreign investments in the country. The most significant change involves a tenfold increase in the required investment amount for foreign investors engaging in Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) companies. Formerly set […]

Streamlining Company Registration Navigating the process of registering a company is pivotal and can be made simpler by adhering to the latest regulations. Indonesia, despite its bureaucratic intricacies, offers numerous business opportunities by providing tailored options for registering your company.  What is PT PMA? A Preferred Choice for Foreign Investors For foreign investors, establishing a […]

In Indonesia’s property investment, a crucial step to master is conducting due diligence before making any investment decisions. This process involves a series of steps aimed at gathering accurate and comprehensive information about the property in question. The due diligence process for a property in Indonesia involves collecting information and analyzing various aspects related to […]

Understanding corporate taxes is a crucial aspect of running a business in Indonesia. Every business entity is obliged to pay various direct taxes based on the type of income received. A profound understanding of these tax types is vital for companies to comply with their tax obligations accurately. Here are several types of taxes imposed […]

The Tax Identification Number (NPWP) is a mandatory identity for Indonesian residents with income. NPWP is essential for citizens to pay income tax earned in Indonesia.  Previously, the NPWP registration process required a visit to the nearest Tax Office (KPP), posing challenges due to its lengthiness. Now, the NPWP registration can be completed online through […]

Hubungi Kami

Keterangan : Situs web ini hanya memberikan saran umum dan tidak menawarkan layanan dokumen resmi pemerintah untuk Indonesia, seperti izin usaha, layanan pajak, visa, atau paspor.

Temukan Informasi Masuk Pasar Indonesia

Latest Updates on Indonesia Visa Regulations Effective from 31 December 2023

Major Changes in Indonesia’s Visa Regulations Effective from December 31, 2023 Indonesia gears up for a significant overhaul in its visa regulations, set to take effect from December 31, 2024, reflecting the nation’s commitment to accommodating expatriates’ evolving needs. The latest adjustments, outlined in Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 22 Tahun 2023, […]

Regulasi KITAS Investor Baru: Mengubah Wajah Investasi Asing di Indonesia 2023

The Indonesian government recently introduced amendments to the Investor KITAS regulations (PERMENKUMHAM no. 22 Year 2023 about Stay Permit/ Visa to Indonesia) aimed at refining foreign investments in the country. The most significant change involves a tenfold increase in the required investment amount for foreign investors engaging in Foreign Direct Investment (PMA) companies. Formerly set […]

Permudah Proses Registrasi PT PMA di Indonesia

Streamlining Company Registration Navigating the process of registering a company is pivotal and can be made simpler by adhering to the latest regulations. Indonesia, despite its bureaucratic intricacies, offers numerous business opportunities by providing tailored options for registering your company.  What is PT PMA? A Preferred Choice for Foreign Investors For foreign investors, establishing a […]

Understanding the Due Diligence Process in Property Investment

In Indonesia’s property investment, a crucial step to master is conducting due diligence before making any investment decisions. This process involves a series of steps aimed at gathering accurate and comprehensive information about the property in question. The due diligence process for a property in Indonesia involves collecting information and analyzing various aspects related to […]

Complete Guide to Types of Corporate Taxes in Indonesia

Understanding corporate taxes is a crucial aspect of running a business in Indonesia. Every business entity is obliged to pay various direct taxes based on the type of income received. A profound understanding of these tax types is vital for companies to comply with their tax obligations accurately. Here are several types of taxes imposed […]

Registration Requirements and Mechanisms for NPWP for Entities and Individuals 

The Tax Identification Number (NPWP) is a mandatory identity for Indonesian residents with income. NPWP is essential for citizens to pay income tax earned in Indonesia.  Previously, the NPWP registration process required a visit to the nearest Tax Office (KPP), posing challenges due to its lengthiness. Now, the NPWP registration can be completed online through […]

Pendaftaran Merek Dagang di Indonesia – Bagaimana Melindungi Bisnis Anda

Firstly though, lets clarify – what is a Trademark According to the Indonesia Law of Trademark Number 20 Year 2016, the meaning of Trademark is a brand which used on goods traded by someone or some people collectively agreed or legal entity to differentiate with other. Generally, Trademark registration to protects names, words, slogan and symbols that identify a business […]

Bagaimana Pajak Berlaku di Bisnis Fintech

How tax works in Financial Technology (Fintech) companies  Over the last few years, Fintech companies have seen a sharp increase in popularity and for people entering this sector, there are some common questions arising regarding what are the tax compliance issues for companies operating in this sector. In this article, Magelina Pieter from Tax-Indo answers your most […]

Investor KITAS – Izin Kunjungan paling popular bagi Pemilik Bisnis Asing

The cost of the working Visa in Indonesia is expensive, particularly for new business owners; however, the Investor KITAS has revolutionised the visa market – helping foreign business owners apply for a much more time and cost-effective solution.  In 2019 the Indonesian Government relaunched the Investor KITAS making it significantly easier to obtain, as well as make some huge financial savings.  In this article we interview Suri Mangiwa, a Visa […]

Mendirikan perusahaan di Indonesia - Jawaban atas pertanyaan umum Anda!

Becoming your own boss or expanding your business in Indonesia is a dream for many people; but having a great idea or a fantastic product doesn’t mean anything until you can successfully establish a company within the country.   This may seem like a relatively easy task in comparison to branding, website building, developing your own […]

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Apa itu Pajak di Indonesia dan Mengapa NPWP Penting?

Pajak di Indonesia mengacu pada biaya keuangan yang dikenakan pada individu atau badan oleh pemerintah. Penting bagi warga negara untuk memenuhi kewajiban perpajakannya. NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak) merupakan nomor identifikasi penting yang diperlukan untuk keperluan perpajakan di Indonesia.

Mengapa kita perlu mematuhi Peraturan Perpajakan di Indonesia?

Kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perpajakan menjamin kepatuhan terhadap hukum, memberikan kontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional, mendukung pelayanan publik, dan memfasilitasi lingkungan perekonomian yang stabil di Indonesia.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan Pajak Orang Pribadi dan Pajak Perusahaan di Indonesia?

Individual tax applies to income earned by individuals, while corporate tax applies to profits earned by companies operating in Indonesia. Rates and regulations differ for each. What are the time periods to pay Tax in Indonesia? Monthly tax payments (PPh 21) for employees and companies are due by the 10th of the following month. Yearly tax returns (SPT Tahunan) for individuals and corporations are typically filed by March 31st.

Apa yang Konsultan Pajak lakukan untuk kepatuhan pajak Anda di Indonesia?

Konsultan pajak memberikan bimbingan dan layanan profesional untuk memastikan penghitungan pajak yang akurat, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan, pengajuan pengembalian pajak, dan memanfaatkan kemungkinan manfaat pajak sekaligus meminimalkan risiko.

Ada berapa jenis formulir SPT Tahunan bagi Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi?

Ada empat tipe: 1770 SS, 1770S, 1770, dan 1771. Untuk memahami perbedaan, tujuan, dan tata cara penerapannya, hubungi konsultan pajak Tax-Indo melalui konsultasi gratis kami.

Dokumen apa saja yang diperlukan untuk penyampaian SPT Tahunan?

Untuk menyampaikan SPT Tahunan, wajib pajak memerlukan dokumen-dokumen seperti:

- Bukti pemotongan Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 21 dari pemberi kerja.
– EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number) for online filing.
- Laporan keuangan dan bukti pembayaran pajak (jika ada) bagi Wajib Pajak Badan.

Ingin tahu lebih banyak tentang Pajak di Indonesia?

Hubungi pakar pajak kami untuk mendapatkan wawasan dan panduan profesional yang disesuaikan dengan pertanyaan dan kebutuhan spesifik Anda terkait perpajakan di Indonesia.


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