Monthly Tax Reporting is mandatory in Indonesia for all individuals and business in Indonesia. The Monthly Tax Reporting for business should be submitted whether you are generating revenue or not.
Annual tax reporting refers to the obligation to submit the tax report every year. The subjects are both business and individuals in Indonesia, and specified according to the annual general income accumulation of the tax subject.
Individual Tax Reporting is mandatory for every citizen residing in Indonesia, whether they are employed, self-employed or not working. As the tax reporting process may be complicated, engaging a tax consultant will surely help ensuring your tax obligation is fulfilled.
VAT is the tax imposed on goods or serviced transactions carried out by entities or individuals. In Indonesia, it is essential to calculate the correct amount of VAT imposed for your transactions, therefore, Engaging with Tax consultants is essential to provide complete guides to help you calculate your VAT obligantions before reporting it to the authority.
LKPM, or Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal, is an Indonesian investment activity report that all foreign investment companies operating in Indonesia are required to submit annually. The LKPM report provides an overview of the company’s investment activities in Indonesia, including its investment realization, employment, and other relevant data.
Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan or WLK, is a mandatory report that all companies in Indonesia are required to submit to the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker). The report contains information about the company’s workforce, such as the number of employees, their nationalities, and their salaries.